We are a company focused on both internal and external company communication as well as international communication. Our offices are situated in the centre of Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Since its foundation in 1993, our company worked as communication support during the founding of Czech branch offices of foreign companies.
We are able to react flexibly to customer’s needs. We focus on long-term projects with cooperation of all the sections of our company thereby we save both your time and money.
The activities of our company include all the areas of company communication and are focused especially on PR, marketing, promotion, employees’ education and development, translation, interpreting and conference services.
We help our customers to develop the relationship with their customers as well as with the employees.
Grafia, Ltd. has also succesfully implemented the European projects in terms of structural EU funds (ESF, Equal, Leonardo da Vinci, Interreg, etc.). In connection with EU funds we also offer the consultancy and organisational service to our customers.
For great interest we organized another strategic meeting dealing with the project Vzdělávejte se! (Educate yourselves!)
in the end of August 2009. We will inform you about the next session on this website.